Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association


Because of the forecast of inclement weather, Division 5 Indoor Track postponed to Monday, February 17. Boys Swimming & Diving State Finals postponed to date TBD.


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The Hub

The Hub.... Seek. Explore. Learn.

“The Hub” has been created as a central area on the MIAA website for video content that students, coaches, athletic directors, administrators and more can explore and access on their own time, at their own pace.

The video presentations cover a variety of educational athletics topics and are organized according to the core competencies of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Most videos are approximately 15-20 minutes in duration and presented by speakers that the MIAA has partnered with through initiatives such as the New England Student Leadership Conference, Wellness Summit, Sportsmanship Summit and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit. Below are the videos currently available on “The Hub”.

Supporting the Mental Health of Your Student-Athletes and Yourself: How You Can Make a Difference

Learn how to support student-athletes in order to be the best they can be on and off the field.
By Ivy Watts, Beautifully Simply You

24 minutes
*This video is intended for coaches and adult leaders.

Academic Challenge

Identify areas where you can improve academically and plan for your future.
By Omari Pearson, Passion to Purpose

13 minutes

Athletic Challenge

Identify steps to achieve your athletic goals through a realistic plan of action.
By Omari Pearson, Passion to Purpose

12 minutes

Becoming a Person of Influence

Identify strategies to become a person of influence and positively impact the lives of others.
By Trevor Hult, Core Trainings

10 minutes

Finding Your Identity Outside of Athletics: You Are More Than An Athlete

Reflect on your journey and identities in life outside of athletics that make you who you are.
By Ivy Watts, Beautifully Simply You

22 minutes

Habits and Self Identity

Learn concepts, strategies, and ideas to become more productive, successful, and positive every day.
By Trevor Hult, Core Trainings

15 minutes

Identifying a Healthy Lifestyle

Identify strategies for investing in yourself through actions that support a healthy lifestyle.
By Deb Hult, Core Trainings

15 minutes

Law of Intentionality

Explore ways to focus on the intentionality of your personal growth plan.
By Deb Hult, Core Trainings

21 minutes

Mindful Moment: Meditation

Need some self-care but short on time? Join Ivy Watts for a quick meditation.
By Ivy Watts, Beautifully Simply You

6 minutes

Mindful Moment: EFT Tapping

Need some self-care but short on time? Let’s practice EFT Tapping to reduce some stress.
By Ivy Watts, Beautifully Simply You

6 minutes

Leadership and Related Topics

Leadership and Relational Leadership

Explore your ability to lead successfully and positively impact the lives of others.
By Dana and Deb Hult

22 minutes

Taking Care of You This Summer

Learn how to focus on yourself and what you need to build a solid foundation for the future.
By Ivy Watts

20 minutes

Be Your Best

Discover how to have the greatest impact you can as a leader.
By Eddie Slowikowski

20 minutes

Happier Self-Talk: Clues That Lead To Success

Learn about positive psychology and shifting your perception to begin thinking more positively.
By Pam Garramone

21 minutes

Pathway to Athletic Success: Tips for Teen Athletes

Identify helpful strategies for defining your goals and long-term athletic success.
By Lynn Pantuosco-Hensch
Click here for the checklist referenced in this video.

25 minutes

The 10 Domains of Self-Care

Learn ten tips to start taking better care of yourself and developing a routine.
By Theresa Melito-Conners

17 minutes

Leadership and Wellness

The Power of your Voice

Learn to see speaking up about your mental health as a sign of strength and not a sign of weakness, and identify resources that exist for you to reach out to if you need help. 
By Ivy Watts, Beautifully Simply You

13 minutes

What is your WHY?

This session will help students clarify their reason(s) why they want to pursue particular careers. 
By Omari Pearson, Passion to Purpose

15 minutes 

Happier Self-Talk, Part 2: Programming Positivity

Learn how to flip from the negative to the positive and be happier and more productive! 
By Pam Garramone

22 minutes 

True Values Workshop: Discover What you Value Most

True Values is a powerful and enlightening workshop that helps us discover what is most important to us. When we are consciously connected to what we “value” it will impact the choices and decisions we make which will lead us to our true destiny. 
By Eddie Slowikowski

36 minutes 

Breathing Exercises and Mindfulness Practices

Dr. MC shares several different breathing exercises and proper breathing techniques to promote the relaxation response in the body. She also discusses the negative effects of stress and teaches four mindfulness practices and defines the terminology. 
By Theresa Melito-Conners, Dr. MC’s Self-Care Cabaret

17 minutes

Grasp Your Greatness

Take ownership in YOU, YOUR greatness, and actualize your potential! Learn insights about grasping your greatness. 
By Deb and Trevor Hult, Core Trainings

21 minutes

Relationship Skills

Mentors and Mentorship During Distance Education

This session will discuss how to make obstacles become stepping stones and provide insight into identifying and finding mentors, volunteering opportunities and summer internships. 
By Omari Pearson, Passion to Purpose

16 minutes

Breaking the Stigma: How to Support Teammates and Friends

Learn mental health warning signs and how to best support a friend or teammate who may be struggling as well as strategies on how to break the stigma of mental health on your team. 
By Ivy Watts, Beautifully Simply You

20 minutes 

The Matthew Story

Learn how to: (1) Identify examples of microaggressions, implicit bias, and casual racism; (2) Discover ways to use language to practice allyship and destigmatize mental illness; and (3) Promote one’s mental health in times of identity-related conflict or adversity. 
By Eddie Slowikowski

21 minutes 

Mentors and Mentorship During Distance Education

This session will discuss how to make obstacles become stepping stones and provide insight into identifying and finding mentors, volunteering opportunities and summer internships. 
By Omari Pearson, Passion to Purpose

16 minutes

The Power of Encouragement and Praise

Discover the value in becoming the person who practices ENCOURAGEMENT and PRAISE and the power it creates. 
By Dana Hult, Core Trainings

17 minutes

Boundary-Setting and Healthy Relationships

Learn how to: (1) Identify common signs of unhealthy and healthy relationships; (2) Discover your love language and use it to support yourself and others; and (3) Promote one’s mental health in times of conflict or adversity by setting boundaries and practicing self-love. 
By Kyrah Altman, Let’s Empower, Advocate, and Do, LEAD Inc.

Content Warning: Abuse, Unhealthy Relationships, Sexual Consent

28 minutes

Social Awareness

Understanding Race and It's Impact on Leadership Development

In this video you will get a basic understanding of racism and how it can impact your leadership style as well as your personal and professional life. 
By Dr. Carroll Blake, Blake Associates

18 minutes

How to Help A Friend: Suicide Prevention and Awareness

In this workshop, we aim to break down the stigma associated with mental health issues and suicide, and give students tools to better care for themselves and others.
By Rose Cheyette and Kendra McDonald, Samaritans

Click Here for the Individual Self-Care Plan referenced in this video.

Content Warning: Mental Illness and Suicide

32 minutes

Power of Language and Practical Allyship

Learn how to: (1) Identify examples of microaggressions, implicit bias, and casual racism; (2) Discover ways to use language to practice allyship and destigmatize mental illness; and (3) Promote one’s mental health in times of identity-related conflict or adversity. 
By Kyrah Altman, Let’s Empower, Advocate, and Do, LEAD Inc.

28 minutes

High School Goal and Mind Mapping

This session will help students Goal and Mind Map their college and career aspirations. 
By Omari Pearson, Passion to Purpose

21 minutes

Social Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Begin to understand how our social-emotional intelligence (people skills) and our ability to show compassion for others (empathy) are key factors in determining our success. 
By Dana and Trevor Hult, Core Trainings

18 minutes

Servant Leadership: Giving Back and Taking Action

The most effective type of leadership in my estimation is “Servant Leadership.” Come along with me on this presentation where I will share with you, one of my heroes and a true servant leader and why I believe it to be essential in how we impact the lives of those around us. 
By Eddie Slowikowski

25 minutes

Responsible Decision Making

Why Do Over Half of New Drivers Crash and What Can You Do to Avoid That

Explore why the U.S. is one of the most dangerous countries to drive in and how you can proactively stay safer behind the wheel. 
By Dan Strollo, In Control

18 minutes


We are never going to be exempt from challenges in life. Learn WHY and HOW being resilient plays a key role in our ability to deal with adversity.

By Deb Hult, Core Trainings

17 minutes

Supplements and Steroids: The Pressure to Perform

Explore the real world of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances including Dietary Supplements and Anabolic Steroids. This video will help you make healthy choices so you can achieve your goals the right way!
By Brian Parker, Taylor Hooton Foundation

24 minutes

Resilient Responses to Stress and Mental Toughness

Learn how to: (1) Identify the negative effects of stress on the adolescent and adult brain, as well as academic-related stressors; (2) Set SMART goals related to practicing resilient responses to stress and building toughness; and (3) Promote one’s self-care and stress-management practices to build personal and school-wide resiliency. 
By Kyrah Altman, Let’s Empower, Advocate, and Do, LEAD Inc.

Content Warning: Stress, Collective Trauma of COVID-19

25 minutes 


This session will share ways that students can practice leadership with their teammates and peers in their new normal.  
By Omari Pearson, Passion to Purpose

14 minutes

Discover Your Authentic Self and Find Your Passion

Participate in self-actualization exercises to learn more about your authentic self and how you can have a positive impact on others.
By Eddie Slowikowski

18 minutes


The Four-Minute Formula

Discover the power of visualization and steps to peak performance in achieving the best version of you. 
By Eddie Slowikowski

16 minutes

Reintegration Anxiety Management

Learn how to set SMART goals to proactively cope with and manage symptoms of reintegration anxiety or stress, and how to promote one’s mental health in the face of continued adversity, change or uncertainty.
By Kyrah Altman, LEAD Inc.

Content Warning: Mental Illness, Anxiety, Collective Trauma of COVID-19

40 minutes

Become a Courageous Leader

Explore the process of stepping out of your comfort zone in order to support your growth as a leader. 
By Deb Hult, Core Trainings

20 minutes

Overcoming Mistakes: Tips for Teen Athletes

Learn mental skills and strategies to handle mistakes during practices, games and competitions
By Dr. Lynn Pantuosco-Hensch

17 minutes

Let's Talk About the "A" Word - Anxiety

dentify strategies to address anxiety and focus on things that you can control. 
By Jon Mattleman

17 minutes

How to Create A Self-Care Routine

Identify what a self-care routine looks like and how to develop techniques that work for you. 
By Ivy Watts, Beautifully Simply You

13 minutes


Owning Your Own Story

Develop an understanding of your personal story, what makes you uniquely different, and how that story builds a stepping stone to your future.
By Omari Pearson, Passion to Purpose

15 minutes

Attitude of Gratitude

Learn about the value of being grateful and how this emotion can make an impact in your everyday life.
By Dana and Deb Hult, Core Trainings

18 minutes

Let's Get in the Race

This workshop is designed to develop a better understanding of how racism is defined and the impact that it has on society.
By Dr. Carroll Blake, Blake Associates

19 minutes

Tools to Build Confidence

Explore how to build a confident mindset through a variety of journal prompts and how positivity can improve performance.
By Ivy Watts, Beautifully Simply You

15 minutes

Gentle Stretching and Movement Breaks

Learn simple, easy, effective, movement exercises that can be done anywhere and participate in a guided reiki grounding exercise.
By Theresa Melito-Conners, Dr. MC’s Self-Care Cabaret

17 minutes

Lifeline Workshop

This workshop is designed to discover more about your story, what has led you to where you are today, and where you want to go in the future.
By Eddie Slowikowski

34 minutes