Committee Summary
This committee is comprised of students who participated the New England Student Leadership Conference (NESLC) and/or the MIAA Student Ambassador program. Student Advisory Committee members attend seasonal meetings with the Educational Athletics Committee and help facilitate student and captains leadership workshops throughout the school year. In addition, these students are asked to participate in various association activities and provide continual feedback from the perspective of students on how to improve the Educational Athletic offerings of the MIAA.
Committee Events
MIAA Liaison
Phil Napolitano
MIAA Assistant Director
District 1
Ali Awkal
Minnechaug Regional High School
Vera de Jong
Mount Greylock Regional High School
Londen Farrell
Springfield Honors Academy (at High School of Commerce)
Anthony Redd
Wahconah Regional High School
District 2
Keira Manning
Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School
Cameron McLaughlin
Auburn High School
Megan Richard
Saint Bernard’s High School
Dara Smolkin-Boatright
Notre Dame Academy (Worcester)
Madison Thibeault
Northbridge High School
District 3
Taylor Brown
Tahanto Regional Middle High School
Brennan Kelleher
Nashoba Regional High School
District 4
Grant Bouchard
Bedford High School
Hannah Schwager
Newton South High School
Nadia Swepson
Westford Academy
District 5
Cashton Kornusky
Masconomet Regional High School
Amelia Spencer
Winthorp High School
Gabrielle Wickeri
Beverly High School
District 6
Khamari Jarques
Tech Boston Academy
District 7
Myles Brown
Mansfield High School
Maran Gallivan
Walpole High School
Laura Green
Dover Sherborn High School
District 8
Emily Carr
Somerset-Berkley Regional High School
Tiago Conceicao
Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School
District 9
Mia Mulcahy
Sandwich High School
Thomas Perkins
Hanover High School
Olivia Sowersby
Pembroke High School
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